Graduate Program in Gerontology
The Graduate Program in Gerontology at Unicamp was established in 1997 through the initiative of a group of professors from various departments who studied old age and aging. As the leadership of this group was carried out by professors of the School of Education, the course was proposed by their Department of Educational Psychology. The program was approved by the University Council in December of 1996 and by CAPES in early 1997. The first selection exam took place in March of 1997.
The first class, of 14 Master's degree students and six doctorate degree students, was chosen from 97 candidates. They began classes in April of 1997. Psychologists, educators, sociologists, anthropologists, demographers, philosophers, doctors and nurses were part of the faculty and interacted with students from more diverse backgrounds. At that time, there was strong repressed demand for graduate studies in Gerontology, which determined that the first group had a group of mature professionals, especially in Geriatrics and Social Gerontology. This first class provided an important contribution to the establishment of the program and their contributions are of great importance until today.
The master's degree program in Gerontology progressed until today and it maintains most of its original structure, which was implemented in 1997. The evaluation of three years of activities (2001-2003), obtained the grade 4 and in 2004-2006, grade 5, which was repeated in the next triennial (2007-2010), noting that this is the highest score that CAPES awards to a graduate studies program.
Reflecting the growth trends of the elderly population, the emergence of new social policies in their favor and the implementation of new practices in the field of public health, demand for the course has increased over the years. This demand is significant especially for students with training in the areas of Medicine, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Nursing and Psychology. Much in the same way, several medical doctors and researchers from the School of Medical Sciences at Unicamp have grown closer to this research area. At the same time there was a decrease in new contracts for professors and there have been changes in the system of retirement in the public universities, which affected more the configuration of the faculty coming from the Social Sciences and Humanities than those derived from the Medical Sciences. These reasons determined the Gerontology Course's decision to request transfer from the School of Education to the School of Medical Sciences, which came in effect in the second half of 2007, with the installation of the course in the new teaching unit. The changes in the research department took place in January of 2008. However, the interdisciplinary nature of the program has remained intact and that is reflected in our curriculum and research topics. Today, most of the program professors are linked to the School of Medical Sciences, with one professor coming from the School of Dentistry, one from the Department of Anthropology at IFCH and three professors from the School of Education at Unicamp. Three professors belong to the undergraduate program in Gerontology at the School of Sciences, Arts and Humanities at USP in Ermelino Matarazzo, São Paulo and one from the City University of São Paulo.
Regular student enrollment
It is made through an ANNUAL selection process, which consists of curriculum analysis, written test and interview.
Registration to participate in the selection process generally occurs between the months of MARCH and APRIL, according to the notice, which is posted in the main program/course page within the FCM website (Graduate studies/Programs/Graduate Program in Gerontology) at least 30 days prior to registration;
It is mandatory the presentation of English proficiency certificate with a maximum of two years of issue (TOEFL minimum score 550 points; IELTS: minimum score 5.0, TEAP: minimum score 70) at registration in the selection process;
Special students
The Graduate Program in Gerontology will only accept special students that are currently enrolled as regular students in graduate studies programs (master's or doctorate degree) from other institutions with the written consent of the professor responsible for course of interest and depending on availability.
Research topics and professors
Health and Quality of Life in Old Age
Quality of life in old age: study of the patterns of normal and pathological aging and its biological, psychological and sociological determinants in a lifespan perspective. In this context, we are especially interested in the study of biological profiles fragility.
Claudia Regina Cavaglieri - FEF/Unicamp
Flávia Silva Arbex Borim - FCM/Unicamp
Ligiana Pires Corona - FCA/Unicamp
Lúcia Figueiredo Mourão - FCM/Unicamp
Mara Patrícia Traina Chacon-Mikahil - FEF/Unicamp
Maria José D'Élboux - School of Nursing/Unicamp
Maria da Luz Rosário de Sousa - FOP/Unicamp
Monica Rodrigues Perracini - UNICID São Paulo
Succesful aging, personality and society
Study of the psychosocial determinants and change processes that characterize healthy, productive and active aging, with emphasis on self-regulation mechanisms of self and cognitive processes.
Anita Liberalesso Neri - FE/Unicamp
Meire Cachioni - EACH/USP
Monica Sanches Yassuda - EACH/USP
Olga Rodrigues de Moraes Von Simson - FE/Unicamp
Samila Sathler Tavares Batistoni - EACH/USP
Aging and chronic diseases
Investigation of the clinical, epidemiological and biological aspects of diseases and morbid conditions, the most prevalent chronic condition in the elderly.
André Fattori - FCM/Unicamp
Arlete Maria Valente Coimbra - FCM/Unicamp
Eros Antonio de Almeida - FCM/Unicamp
Ibsen Bellini Coimbra - FCM/Unicamp
Manoel Barros Bértolo - FCM/Unicamp
Maria Elena Guariento - FCM/Unicamp
Sandra Cecília Botelho Costa - FCM/Unicamp