Graduate Program in Internal Medicine
Graduate Program in Internal Medicine
The Internal Medicine Graduate Program aims at training high-level teaching staff and researchers in various areas of Internal Medicine. The course emphasizes interdisciplinary and critical scientific training, qualification and course nucleation. This proposal led to the creation of an interdisciplinary-themed graduate program in specific areas of knowledge, employing complementary lines of research.
Its target audience is physicians and non-physicians and course durations are 12-30 months for Masters Degrees (M.Sc.) and 24-48 months for Ph.D. courses.
Program Committee
Committee term: 01/11/2019 a 31/10/2021
Coordinator: Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann MD, PhD.
Sub-Coordinator: Margareth Castro Ozelo MD, PhD.
Sub-Coordinator: Celso Dario Ramos MD, PhD.
Sub-Coordinator: Lício Augusto Velloso MD, PhD.
Graduate student representative: Yuri Ferreira de Lima
Secretary: Yuri Ferreira de Lima
Phone: +55 19 35219292
Business hours: From 8:00am to 5:00pm
Application process
Only participants who have successfully completed the application process will be accepted as regular students in the program. The application process takes place every 6 to12 months.
Mandatory courses in the area of Internal Medicine (AA)
Master’s Degree Program
CL001 – The Interdisciplinary Bases of Internal Medicine
CL513 – Biostatistics and Scientific Methods
CL514 – Methods for Education in the Health Professions in the Medical Area
CL521 - Scientific Seminars in Internal Medicine
Doctorate Degree Program
CL502 – Scientific Methods
CL521 - Scientific Seminars in Internal Medicine
Mandatory courses in the area Education in the Health Professions (AC)
Master’s Degree Program
CL513 – Biostatistics and Scientific Methods
CL514 – Methods for Education in the Health Professions in the Medical Area
CL515 – The Interdisciplinary Perspective on Education in the Health Professions
CL521 - Scientific Seminars in Internal Medicine
Doctorate Degree Program
CL516 – Research Methods for Education in the Health Professions
CL521 - Scientific Seminars in Internal Medicine
If students have already taken any of these courses during their Master’s Degree Program, they may bring a copy of their academic records and fill out an application for the co-validation of courses (forms available at the FCM website).
Procedures For Qualifying Exam
In order to take the Qualifying Exam, the student needs to:
· Have completed the courses required by the program;
· Have passed a test to evaluate reading skills in the English language;
· Final approval of the project by the University’s Ethics Committee.
· Master’s Degree Program: Demonstrate submission of an article to an internationally-circulating journal indexed by SCI, with impact factor greater than 1.0, describing the contents of the Thesis.
· Doctorate’s Degree Program: Present proof of the acceptance of a full article by an internationally-circulating journal indexed by SCI, describing the contents of the Thesis.
It is considered as student’s responsibilities:
· Check validity and adequacy of Academic Records
· To schedule the date and place of the qualifying exam, the student should consult the availability of amphitheaters at the Graduate School department’s website ). Then, send an email with the subject “ Book Room CPG”, indicating the room/amphitheater, day, time and reservation details (Master’s, Doctorate, student’s name, advisor’s name and course)
· Contact professors/researchers chosen to take part in the examining committee, to verify availability for the scheduled date and time.
Guidelines For Defense of Theses And Dissertation
A Dissertation or Thesis defense may be requested after the student:
· Passes his/her Qualifying Exam
· Master’s degree program: Presents proof of the submission of an article to an internationally circulating scientific journal that is indexed by SCI, with impact factor greater than 1.0, describing the contents of the Master’s Dissertation (student must be first author).
· Doctorate degree program: Presents proof of the acceptance of an article by an internationally circulating scientific journal that is indexed by SCI, with impact factor greater than 1.0, describing the contents of the Doctoral Thesis (student must be first author).
Research areas and Accredited Lectures
Research areas
AA – Internal Medicine
AC – Education for the Health Professions
Lines of Research and Researchers
1. Clinical and Molecular Dermatology
Aparecida Machado de Moraes, MD, PhD
Gislaine Ricci Leonardi, Md, PHD
Maria Beatriz Puzzi, MD, PhD
Paulo Eduardo Neves Ferreira Velho, MD, PhD
Renata Ferreira Magalhães, MD, PhD
2. Development of pharmacologically active compounds
Gislaine Ricci Leonardi, Md, PHD
João Ernesto de Carvalho, MD, PhD
Ney Carter do Carmo Borges, MD, PhD
Rodney Alexandre Ferreira Rodrigues, MD, PhD
3. Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology
Bruno Geloneze Neto, MD, PhD
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Danilo Glauco Pereira Villagelin Neto, MD, PhD
Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann, MD, PhD
Eduardo Rochete Ropelle, MD, PhD
Eliana Cotta de Faria, MD, PhD
Elizabeth João Pavin, MD, PhD
Elza Olga Ana Muscelli Berardi, MD, PhD
Heraldo Mendes Garmes, MD, PhD
Jacqueline Mendonça Lopes de Faria, MD, PhD
Laura Sterian Ward, MD, PhD
Licio Augusto Velloso, MD, PhD
Maria Candida Ribeiro Parisi, MD, PhD
Mario Jose Abdalla Saad, MD, PHD
Patricia de Oliveira Prada, MD, PhD
Sarah Monte Alegre, MD, PhD
4. Clinical and Molecular Gastroenterology
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Cristiane Kibune Nagasako Vieira da Cruz , MD, PhD
Daniel Ferraz de Campos Mazo, MD, PhD
5. Clinical and Molecular Hematology
Carla Fernanda Franco Penteado MD, PhD
Carmino Antonio De Souza, MD, PhD
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Fabio Henrique da Silva, MD, PhD
Fernanda Loureiro de Andrade Orsi, MD, PhD
Fernando Ferreira Costa, MD, PhD
Irene Gyongyver Heidemarie Lorand Metze, MD, PhD
Jose Vassallo, MD, PhD
Joyce Maria Annichino Bizzacchi, MD, PhD
Katia Borgia Barbosa Pagnano, MD, PhD
Lilian Maria de Castilho, MD, PhD
Margareth Castro Ozelo, MD, PhD
Marcus Alexandre Finzi Corat , MD, PhD
Mônica Barbosa de Mélo, MD, PhD
Patricia Maria Bergamo favaro, MD, PhD
Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad, MD, PhD
6. Clinical and Molecular Immunology
Carmino Antonio de Souza, MD, PhD
Fernando Guimarães, MD, PhD
Ibsen Belinni Coimbra, Md, PhD
Irene Gyongyver Heidemarie Lorand Metze, MD, PhD
Licio Augusto Velloso, MD, PhD
Lilian Tereza Lavras Costallat, MD, PhD
Manoel Barros Bertolo, MD, PhD
Marcio Chaim Bagjelman, MD, PhD
Marilda Mazzali, MD, PhD
Ricardo de Lima Zollner, MD, PhD
Zoraida Sachetto, MD, PhD
7. Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Clarice Weis Arns, MD, PhD
Maria Luiza Moretti, MD, PhD
Mariangela Ribeiro Resende, MD, PhD
Paulo Eduardo Neves Ferreira Velho, MD, PhD
Plinio Trabasso, MD, PhD
Sandra Helena Alves Bonon, MD, PhD
Sandra Cecilia Botelho Costa, MD, PhD
Thiago Martins Santos, MD, PhD
8. Clinical and Molecular Nephrology
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Jose Antonio Rocha Gontijo, MD, PhD
Jose Butori Lopes De Faria, MD, PhD
Rodrigo Bueno de Oliveira, MD, PhD
9. Clinical and Molecular Oncology
André Deeke Sasse, MD, PhD
Allan de Oliveira Santos, MD, PhD
Carmen Silvia Passos Lima, MD, PhD
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Elba Cristina As de Camargo Etchebehere, MD, PhD
Fernando Guimarães, MD, PhD
Gustavo jacob Lourenço, MD, PhD
Irene Gyongyver Heidemarie Lorand Metze, MD, PhD
Jose Barreto Campello Carvalheira, MD, PhD
Jose Vassallo, MD, PhD
Marcio Chaim Bajgelman, MD, PhD
10. Clinical and Molecular Pneumology
Ilma Aparecida Paschoal, MD, PhD
Mônica Corso Pereira, MD, PhD
11. Cardiovascular System
Celso Dario Ramos, MD, PhD
Eliana Cotta de Faria, MD, PhD
Roberto Schreiber, MD, PhD
Thiago Martins Santos, MD, PhD
Wilson Nadruz Junior, MD, PhD
12. Muscular, Articular, Skeletal and Connective Tissue Diseases
Ibsen Bellini Coimbra, MD, PhD
Lilian Tereza Lavras Costallat, MD, PhD
Manoel Barros Bertolo, MD, PhD
Zoraida Sachetto, MD, PhD
13. Cell Infusion and Organ Transplantation
Anderson de Oliveira Lobo, MD, PhD
Cármino Antônio de Souza, MD, PhD
Marilda Mazzali, MD, PhD
Marcus Alexandre Finzi Corat, MD, PhD
Raquel Silveira Bello Stucchi, MD, PhD
14. Central and Peripheral Nervous System and Neurological Disorders
Eduardo Rochete Ropelle, MD, PhD
15. Education for the Health Professions
Angelica Maria Bicudo Zeferino, MD, PhD
Eliana Martorano Amaral, MD, PhD
Keila Miriam Monteiro de Carvalho, MD, PhD
Licio Augusto Velloso, MD,PhD
Luis Fernando Farah de Tofoli, MD, PhD
Marco Antonio de Carvalho Filho, MD, PhD
Maria Candida Ribeiro Parisi, MD, PhD
Nelson Filice de Barros, MD, PhD
Paulo Eduardo Neves Ferreira Velho, MD, PhD
Simone Appenzeller, MD, PhD.