Program Committee:
Carmen Silvia Passos Lima, Coordinator
Carlos Takahiro Chone, Titular Member
Celso Dario Ramos, Titular Member
Gustavo Jacob Lourenço, Alternate Member
Student Representative:
José Renato de Oliveira Mariano, Titular Member
Selective Process:
It is held annually and its target audience are graduated health professionals in the field of Oncology and with university education, including physicians, nurses, biologists, biomedical, pharmacists, nutritionists, speech therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, dental physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists and social scientists.
Student registration will be the responsibility of the Oncology Postgraduate Program Committee.
The selection will be made according to the standards established by the Committee, approved by the CPG and published in a notice that will be posted on the course webpage, usually in October/November, for admission in the first semester.
The candidate must submit, at the time of registration:
- Curriculum Lattes;
- Research project linked to the Program's Research Line, containing: title, abstract with up to 250 words and 03 keywords, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, justification for conducting the study, references and schedule of activities. The project must be typed in up to 30 pages (A4), including bibliographical references, font Arial 11, space 1.5.
- Registration form (to be made available on the DAC website);
- Acceptance letter form from the future advisor qualified to receive new students in the Program; (form available at;
- Proof of English Language Proficiency, one of the certificates below will be accepted: - TEAP (Test of English for Academic Purposes), in the Biological/Health area, minimum score of 70; - TOEFL: minimum score of 213 points for the Computer-Based-Test (CBT) or 550 points for the Paper-Based-Test (PBT) or 80 points for the Internet-Based-Test (IBT); - Cambridge English First (FCE) with a grade of C or higher - CEL/UNICAMP - Centro de Estudos em Línguas, with a minimum score of 7.0; - IELTS: minimum score 5.0.
Mandatory Subjects:
AO001 - Comprehensive Care of the Cancer Patient - 6 credits
AO002 - Biostatistics Applied to Research - 3 credits
AO003 - Scientific Research Methodology - 3 credits
Elective Subjects:
Elective Subjects: The student must obtain 12 credits from among the subjects listed below, chosen in agreement with the advisor.
AO004 - Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Cancer Prevention - 4 credits
AO005 - Clinical and Surgical Treatment of the Cancer Patient - 8 credits
AO006 - Principles of Radiology - 4 credits
AO007 - Principles of Nuclear Medicine - 4 credits
AO008 - Biological Basis of Radiotherapy - 4 credits
AO009 - Chemotherapy Treatment Protocols and Pharmacoeconomics - 4 credits
AO010 - Adverse Events in Chemotherapy Treatment - 4 credits
AO011 - Care in the Handling and Use of Chemotherapy - 4 credits
AO012 - Metabolic Alterations in Cancer and Nutritional Status - 3 credits
AO015 - Molecular Bases of Cancer - 4 credits
AO016 - Genetic Counseling - 4 credits
AO017 - Hereditary Cancer Syndromes - 4 credits
AO018 - Anatomical and Physiological of Speech, Breathing and Swallowing - 4 credits
AO019 - Cancer Speech Therapy - 4 credits
AO020 - Cancer Physiotherapy - 4 credits
AO021 - Pharyngoestomatology - 1 credit
AO022 - Oral Rehabilitation of Cancer Patients - 2 credits
AO023 - Use of Laser in Oral Cavity - 2 credits
AO024 - Dental Care for Cancer Patients - 5 credits
AO025 - Diagnostic Imaging in Dentistry - 1 credit
AO026 - Interrelation of the Oral Cavity in Cancer in General - 1 credit
AO027 - Fundamental Concepts of Psychology Applied to Oncology - 4 credits
AO028 - Naturalistic and Humanist Paradigm in Health Phenomena Research - 4 credits
AO029 - Chemical Dependence in Cancer Patients: Psychological and Psychiatric Detection and Treatment - 4 credits
AO030 - Sociology of Cancer - 6 credits
AO031 - Sociology of Terminal Care - 6 credits
AO001 - Comprehensive care for cancer patients
The subject aims to train professionals with basic knowledge necessary for interdisciplinary care to cancer patients.
AO002 - Biostatistics applied to research
The subject aims to provide fundamental basic stems of biostatistics for scientific basis of research projects, as well as for the analysis of the results obtained.
AO003 - Scientific research methodology
The subject aims to put the student in contact with the various qualitative and quantitative methodologies that can be used in cancer research.
AO004 - Epidemiology, pathophysiology and cancer prevention
The discipline aims to provide information on epidemiology, carcinogenesis, as well as on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures for tumors.
AO005 - Clinical and surgical treatment of cancer patients
The objective of the subject is to offer knowledge about clinical therapies and surgical procedures in the diagnosis, training and therapy of tumors.
AO006 - Principles of radiology
The objective of the subject is to provide information on the aspects related to human anatomy with emphasis on imaging methods, in view of a precise characterization of anatomical sites. This knowledge is essential for the diagnosis, staging and evaluation of the response to the treatment of neoplasms, using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging as the basis.
AO007 - Principles of nuclear medicine
The subject aims to provide information on functional imaging methods, mainly SPECT/CT and PET/CT, with a view to characterizing the metabolic activity of tissues, as well as studying treatments that use radioisotopes. It addresses aspects of diagnosis, staging and evaluation of response to the treatment of neoplasms using nuclear medicine.
AO008 - Biological bases of radiotherapy
The discipline addresses the principles and biological aspects related to radiotherapy treatment, as well as the practical aspects in the management of cancer patients in a radiotherapy service.
AO009 - Chemotherapy and pharmacoeconomics treatment protocols
The subject addresses fundamental concepts about chemotherapy and use protocols and their relationships with pharmacoeconomics and health economics.
AO010 - Adverse events in chemotherapy treatment
The subject addresses fundamental concepts about adverse events (adverse reactions, therapeutic ineffectiveness, drug interactions, safety and efficacy, and technical complaints) in treatment with chemotherapy and adjuvant drugs.
AO011 - Care in the handling and use of chemotherapy
The subject addresses fundamental notions about care in the handling and use of chemotherapy.
AO012 - Metabolic changes in cancer and nutritional status
The subject aims to study the metabolic alterations that impact on the nutritional status of cancer patients.
AO015 - Molecular bases of cancer
The subject aims to provide information on the biological and biochemical aspects of cancer, with a view to a greater knowledge of the pathways of growth and cell regulation.
AO016 - Genetic Counseling
This subject addresses aspects related to genetic inheritance patterns, risk calculations and ethical procedures related to genetic guidance.
AO017 - Hereditary cancer syndromes
This subject aims to provide information on the most frequent hereditary cancer syndromes with emphasis on the genes involved, markers of severity, prognosis and pharmacogenetic.
AO018 - anatomical and physiological of speech, breathing and swallowing
This subject aims to inform the aspects related to the anatomy and physiology of the upper aerodigestive pathway.
AO019 - Cancer Speech Therapy
The subject addresses concepts for therapeutic rehabilitation of swallowing, breathing and speech in cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and or surgery, as well as those undergoing palliative treatment to improve vital functions and quality of life.
AO020 - Cancer physiotherapy
The subject aims to train professionals who act early in the treatment of functional kinetic disorders from tumor or therapy administered to tumor patients and in palliative care to cancer patients at all levels of care, rescuing the best functionality of the individual, through the execution of methods, techniques and physical therapy resources.
AO021 - Faringoestomatology
The subject addresses the theoretical and practical principles of semiotics in the pharyngeal-oral region; anatomical vision, variations in normality, diagnosis of the main benign and malignant lesions of these regions, and diagnostic and treatment surgical techniques.
AO022 - Oral rehabilitation of cancer patients
Subject focused on dental practice in the oral rehabilitation of cancer patients, particularly those with head and neck tumors. It provides information on dental materials, endodontics, dentistry, and buco-maxillo-facial prosthesis, as well as theoretical, laboratory and clinical knowledge about reconstructions with intra- and extraoral prostheses of different materials in different opportunities to patients undergoing cancer surgical resections.
AO023 - Use of laser in oral cavity
Subject focused on the use of low-power laser in the oral cavity during mucositis related to radio and or chemotherapy treatment.
AO024 - Dental care for cancer patients
Subject focused on the elaboration of anamnesis, planning and interpretation of laboratory tests of cancer patients. Basic, physiological, epidemiological, clinical and medical-dental management aspects of this group of patients are addressed. It emphasizes the interdisciplinary approach of medical-dental care in the area of oncology and related.
AO025 - Diagnostic Imaging in Dentistry
The aim of the subject is to provide information about the practical, theoretical principles and critical approach to imaging methods in conventional radiology, medical computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as images associated with craniofacial pathological processes.
AO026 - Interrelation of the oral cavity in cancer in general
The aim of the subject is to provide a general notion of the oral involvement in hematological cancer and solid tumors excluding head and neck tumors and information on the oral involvement in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients and in bone marrow transplantation.
AO027 - Fundamentals of psychology applied to oncology
The subject addresses the forms of emotional management of cancer patients, family members and health team, the understanding of the phases involving diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment of cancer, mourning, subjectivation of cancer and communication in health.
AO028 - Naturalistic and humanistic paradigm in health phenomena research
The subject addresses the historical-epistemological models for the construction of scientific knowledge in the investigation of phenomena in the health care frameworks, the differential characteristics in plans aimed at theoretical elaboration in medical sciences and human sciences applied to the understanding of illness processes.
AO029 - Chemical dependency in cancer patients: psychiatric detection and treatment
This subject aims to provide the main knowledge about chemical dependence, the effective approaches for the detection, intervention and treatment of patients with use and abuse of psychoactive substances in cancer patients, the types of drugs, risk factors and epidemiology; prevention; therapeutic approaches; motivation, relapse, detection and research tools; psychoactive drugs.
AO030 - Sociology of cancer
The aim of the subject is to evaluate health, disease and the experiences of patients, families and health professionals through a mixed methodology, but mainly qualitative, in order to understand the social, cultural, historical and political aspects of contemporary care and cancer survivorship. Using a range of data collection techniques and methods such as questionnaires, qualitative interviews, ethnography, narratives, document analysis and case studies the perceptions and experiences of those impacted by cancer are identified and analyzed.
AO031 - Sociology of terminal care
The subject addresses end-of-life palliative care and takes death as the last socially shared experience. With mixed, but mainly qualitative methodologies are developed the exercise of the sociology of expectations, on the one hand, recovering the images, symbols and past values, and, on the other hand, the expectations of the future of cancer, in relation to current perceptions. Thus, the trajectories of families through palliative care services are documented, documenting the counseling, decision-making and continuity of care involved.
PhD Professor André Luiz Ferreira Costa -
- Dental care to cancer patients
- Diagnostic Imaging in Dentistry
PhD Professor Carlos Takahiro Chone -
- Surgical assistance to the patient with head and neck tumors
- Therapeutic rehabilitation of swallowing, breathing and speech in patients with head and neck tumors treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery
PhD Professor Carmen Silvia Passos Lima -
- Support to the cancer patient
- Hereditary predisposition to cancer
- Pharmacogenetic in cancer
- Head and neck tumors and skin tumors
PhD Professor Cármino Antônio de Souza -
- Assistance to oncohematologic patients
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Management in oncohematology
PhD Professor Celso Dario Ramos -
- Imaging with radioisotopes in oncology
- Treatment with radioisotope in oncology
- Nuclear medicine equipment and techniques
- Radiopharmacy in the practice of nuclear medicine
- Use of radioisotopes in medicine and biology
PhD Professor Claudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy -
- Prevention of colorectal cancer
- Postoperative follow-up protocol
- Preoperative staging protocol
PhD Professor Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann -
- Thyroid cancer: epidemiology, risk factors and evolution
- Thyroid cancer: associated metabolic changes
- Thyroid cancer and thyroid autoimmunity
PhD Professor Egberto Ribeiro Turato -
- psychological meanings attributed to the illness by cancer patients, their families or professional therapists/caregivers
- daily experiences reported regarding the family, work, religious, leisure and other environments, and reorganized by the presence of the diagnosed cancer disease and under treatment
- personal expectations and fantasies associated with the evolution and prognosis of their cancer disease
- reports of patients regarding issues/factors/conditions associated with adherence or non-adherence to recommended medical procedures.
- patients' and relatives' views or perspectives on causes/predispositions to the onset of specific cancer diseases
PhD Professor Fabiano Reis -
- Teaching neuroanatomy by magnetic resonance imaging
- Evaluation of primary and secondary neoplasms of the central nervous system by neuroimaging methods
- Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and PET-CT methods in the evaluation of meningiomas.
PhD Professor Gustavo Jacob Lourenço -
- Association of genetic markers with survival of patients with tumors
- Functional analysis of genetic polymorphisms associated with tumor prognosis
- Association of quality of life of tumor patients and their caregivers with genetic markers
PhD Professor José Barreto Campello Carvalheira -
- Cancer cachexia syndrome
- Interrelationship between obesity and cancer
- Neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract
PhD Professor Konradin Metze -
- Improve the diagnostic safety in Oncology? (reproducibility/safety)
Different doctors sometimes arrive at divergent diagnoses for the same case, which can determine changes in treatment. We analyze diagnostic concordance/disagreement among specialists and seek solutions to give more certainty to diagnosis and adequate treatment
- Identify factors that interfere with the success of cancer treatment
Delays in diagnosis and initiation of therapy as well as lack of adherence of patients to appropriate procedures can reduce the success of therapy and the chance of survival of cancer patients. We analyzed the personal and health system (SUS) factors that can cause harm in the administration of therapy to cancer patients, aiming to eliminate them whenever possible.
PhD Professor Luciana Campanatti Palhares -
- Rehabilitation of functional kinetic disorders arising from tumor or from therapy administered to tumor bearers by physiotherapy
PhD Professor Maria Carolina Santos Mendes -
- Metabolism, nutritional status and body composition in cancer patients, and gut microbiota and nutritional disorders
PhD Professor Mariângela Ribeiro Resende -
- Diagnosis and management of infections in cancer patients
PhD Professor Mary Ann Foglio -
- Works in the field of Pharmacy, with emphasis on Pharmacognosy, mainly on the following topics: Identification and isolation of active ingredients, standardization of plant ingredients, quality control and micro and nano encapsulation studies for the development of herbal medicines
PhD Professor Nelson Filice de Barros -
- Social, cultural, historical and political aspects of cancer care and survivorship
- Integrative oncology
- Alternative medicine in cancer
- Sociology of terminal care
PhD Professor Plínio Trabasso -
- Hospital epidemiology: Infection prevention and control and methods for epidemiological investigation of infections in immunosuppressed patients
- Pathophysiology of opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients
- Invasive fungal infections in immunosuppressed patients
- Molecular biology methods in the diagnosis of opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients
AA - Oncology
The concentration area Oncology aims to meet the current demand of the labor market, which requires professionals with expertise in various areas of assistance to cancer patients.
1. Cancer Epidemiology, Pathological Processes and Prevention
Line Description:
The objective of the line is to provide specific knowledge to health professionals who integrate an interdisciplinary team about epidemiology, pathophysiology and prevention of cancer.
José Barreto Campello Carvalheira;
Konradin Metze;
Maria Carolina Santos Mendes
2. Clinical and Surgical Oncology
Line Description:
The objective of the line is to provide specific knowledge to health professionals who integrate an interdisciplinary team about clinical and surgical care of the cancer patient.
Carlos Takahiro Chone;
Carmen Silvia Passos Lima;
Cármino Antônio de Souza;
Claudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy;
Denise Engelbrecht Zantut Wittmann;
José Barreto Campello Carvalheira;
Mariângela Ribeiro Resende;
Plínio Trabasso;
3. Diagnosis and Support to the Cancer Patient
Line Description:
The objective of the line is to provide specific knowledge to health professionals who integrate an interdisciplinary team about the diagnosis of cancer and forms of support to the cancer patient, including the performance of anatomical pathological diagnostic tests and imaging, radiotherapy treatment, clinical pharmacy and pharmacoeconomics, nutritional care, genetic counseling, rehabilitation of vital functions, dental care, emotional support and terminal care to cancer patients.
André Luiz Ferreira Costa;
Carlos Takahiro Chone;
Carmen Silvia Passos Lima;
Celso Dario Ramos;
Egberto Ribeiro Turato;
Fabiano Reis;
Gustavo Jacob Lourenço;
Luciana Campanatti Palhares;
Maria Carolina Santos Mendes,
Nelson Filice de Barros;