Qualifying exam
Under the terms of article 12, items VIII and IX, of the General Regulations of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs and Lato Sensu Courses of the State University of Campinas, we hereby inform you of the procedures for requesting a qualifying exam in the Postgraduate Program in Pharmacology.
- have completed 23 credits in subjects, including the compulsory subject(s) and/or 15 credits, including the compulsory subject (MF755) for entrants from the 2024 Catalog;
- have presented proof of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) or Animal Experimentation Committee (CEUA);
- the qualifying exam for the master's and doctoral course must take place 3 (three) months and 6 (six) months before the deadline for completion or the date of the defense, respectively.

As long as the Ethical Authorizations item has not been validated in SIGA/DAC by the advisor and the Program Committee, it will not be possible to request the qualification. Read more.
STEP 1: INDICATION OF THE EXAMINATION COMMITTEE (up to 45 days before the date scheduled for the qualification)
The advisor must send the Program Coordinator an e-mail requesting the composition of the board for the student's qualifying exam, containing:
- student's full name;
- RA number;
- title of the qualification;
- suggestion of 6 (six) members to make up the qualifying exam board:
We emphasize that:
- The members must be professors or researchers with at least a doctoral degree;
- The chairman of the Examining Committee must necessarily be a member of the Pharmacology Postgraduate Program Committee;
- The members must not be co-authors of papers published by the student;
- One of the members of the Qualifying Examination Committee must necessarily take part in the Defense Examination Committee (memory member);
- The coordinator will inform the student's advisor and the student of the final composition of the approved board by e-mail.
The Coordinator will consult with the Program Committee on the composition of the proposed committee. The two most voted members will be appointed as members, and the least voted as alternates. The committee may also appoint members not suggested by the advisor.
The coordinator will inform the student's advisor and the student of the final composition of the approved committee by e-mail.
The coordinator must then contact the members of the exam board, including the alternates, and schedule the date and time.
- The student must schedule the qualifying exam with the members and alternates approved in STEP 1;
- Only after confirming the availability of the full and substitute members for the date and time, should the student make the request for the qualifying exam in SIGA/DAC, at least 30 days in advance;
- The request must be approved by the program secretariat and the advisor. The secretariat will then send the invitation letters and further instructions for the qualifying exam by e-mail;
- The secretariat will not validate requests for a qualifying exam less than 30 days in advance;
- Qualifying exams can be taken entirely remotely, hybridly or face-to-face.
- The student must submit the qualification script (will be accepted until December 2024) or the final version of the dissertation/thesis (from 02/01/2025, only the final version will be accepted - see template in word) printed and/or by e-mail to all Full and Substitute Members of the Examining Committee 15 days before the scheduled date. The script must accompany the invitation letter provided by the Secretariat and, in the case of doctoral students, a copy of their Lattes CV.
“Students who fail to submit their qualification script (by December 2024) or their thesis or qualification dummy (from 02/01/2025) at least 15 days in advance will have their qualification canceled.”
- The script must contain, as an attachment for evaluation by the examining committee, a copy of the opinion of the Research Ethics Committee (CEUA, CEP* or PatGen, or TCLE waiver) approved by the supervisor in SIGA. Not just the CEP approval page, but detailed information on the project, including the participating team and the student's name, in a document extracted from Plataforma Brasil.
- The presentation of the Qualifying Exam must last up to one hour. Below is a link to the template for the PPG in Pharmacology qualifying exam.
- Until December 2024, students will have the option of submitting the qualification script or the final version of the dissertation or thesis. From January 2, 2025, only the final version of the dissertation or thesis will be accepted (see the template, in word, at https://www.fcm.unicamp.br/posgraduacao/modelo-de-editoracao-de-teses-e-dissertacoes). Qualifying scripts will no longer be allowed.
- Students who fail the qualifying exam may request a new exam, and will be dismissed from the course in the event of a second failure (articles 39 and 49 of Unicamp's General Regulations for Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs and Lato Sensu Courses).
Attachment | Size |
Normas do Exame de Qualificação (CPG/FCM) | 618.08 KB |
Modelo de roteiro do Exame de Qualificação (Farmacologia) | 122.9 KB |