According to the General Regulations of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs and Lato Sensu Courses of the State University of Campinas:
Article 15 - At the request of the advisor and after analysis by the Postgraduate Committee (CPG), a student whose enrollment has been cancelled due to an overfulfillment period may, exceptionally, enroll only once, exclusively for a dissertation or thesis defense, which must be carried out within six months of his or her re-enrollment, provided that he or she cumulatively meets the following requirements:
I - has completed all the credits;
II - have passed the foreign language exam(s);
III - have passed the Qualifying Exam;
IV - have finished writing the dissertation or thesis, with a certificate from the advisor that they have completed all the requirements and are in a position to defend it.
Sole Paragraph - Enrollment in subjects during the regular academic period to which this admission refers is prohibited.
The following documents must be sent to the program secretariat by e-mail in order to request reenrollment under Article 15:
- Ofício de solicitação de religamento (click to download the template) duly completed - this document will be filed for the supervisor's electronic signature in SIGAD;
- Copy of the dissertation/thesis;
- Proof of submission of an article related to the dissertation (master's degree) or proof of acceptance of an article related to the thesis (doctorate).
- Important: The processing time after receipt of the document by the CPG/FCM can be up to 30 days. The defense can only be requested after the reconnection has been completed.