The Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Pharmacology at Unicamp aims to provide university graduates with the knowledge, skills and culture necessary to carry out teaching and research activities in the field of Pharmacology. This program is offered to professionals from various fields, such as pharmacists, biochemists, biologists, doctors, biomedical doctors, veterinary doctors, physiotherapists, nutritionists, nurses and others.
The mission of Unicamp's Postgraduate Program in Pharmacology is to:
Stimulate the development of teaching and research.
Promote the interaction of postgraduate students with the different areas of pharmacology and related fields.
Provide graduate students and post-doctoral fellows with access to the laboratories of professors linked to the program, to other graduate programs inside and outside Unicamp, to Unicamp's facilities, to multi-user equipment and to laboratories in institutions abroad.
Offering postgraduate students teaching internships (for master's and doctoral students), coordination of postgraduate courses and supervision of undergraduate students (for postdoctoral students), as well as participation in the Science and Arts on Vacation (CAF) and PIBIC-Secondary School (for master's, doctoral and postdoctoral students) programs.
Facilitate the interface between postgraduate students and society through research aimed at outpatient and hospital care, and through the program's participation in projects with high school and undergraduate students, such as the summer and winter courses offered by the PPG in Pharmacology.
Encouraging post-doctoral students to submit projects in order to attract funding from calls for proposals offered by Unicamp (FAEPEX), SCHOLARSHIPS FOR IC (PIBIC) and/or funding agencies (such as the Young Researcher Program or Generation Aid from the FAPESP).