The Medical Pathophysiology Post-Graduation Program aims to train high-level teaching staff/lecturers and researchers in various areas of basic or applied medicine. The course emphasizes interdisciplinary and critical scientific training, contextual qualification and our mission of course nucleation.
The persistent pursuit of academic excellence and commitment to research activity constitutes the basic motivation of the program. This proposal led to the creation of an interdisciplinary-themed postgraduate program in specific areas of knowledge, employing complementary lines of active and productive research. Its target audience is physicians and non-physicians and course durations are 12-30 months for Masters Degrees (M.Sc.) and 24-60 months for Ph.D. courses.
Program Committee
Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Iscia Lopes Cendes
Sub-Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad
Sub-Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Nicola Amanda Conran Zorzetto
Associate Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Licio Augusto Velloso
Committee term: 01/05/2019 to 30/04/2021
Post Graduate Student Representative: Arlindo Nascimento de Lemos Junior
Sub-Post Graduate Student Representative: Amanda Donatti
Secretary: Regina de Paula
Email: Tel: (19) 3521-8860
Time: 8h30min - 17h00.
Areas of Research – Sub-divisions:
AA - Structural, Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology
AB - Neuroscience
AC - Experimental Medicine
Lines of Research and Lecturers/Faculty
Morphofunctional and Molecular Analysis in Neurological Diseases
- Dra. Clarissa Lin Yasuda
- Dr. Fernando Cendes
- Dra. Íscia Teresinha Lopes Cendes
- Dr. Li Li Min
- Dr. Marcondes Cavalcante França Júnior
- Dra. Simone Appenzeller
Pathological and Molecular Mechanisms of Neoplastic and Hereditary Diseases
- Dra. Carmen Silvia Passos Lima
- Dr. Erich Vinicius de Paula
- Dr. Fernando Ferreira Costa
- Dr. José Barreto Campello Carvalheira
- Dra. Joyce Maria Annichinno Bizzacchi
- Dr. Konradin Metze
- Dr. Leonardo Oliveira Reis
- Dra. Nicola Amanda Conran Zorzetto
- Dra. Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad
Culture, Expansion and Differentiation of Totipotent Cells
Human Genome, Cloning and Characterization of New Genes and New Proteins
- Dr. Erich Vinicius de Paula
- Dr. Fernando Ferreira Costa
- Dra. Joyce Maria Annichinno Bizzacchi
- Dra. Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad
Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Mitochondrial Oxidation
- Dr. Anibal Eugenio Vercesi
- Dr. José Antonio Rocha Gontijo
- Dr. Licio Augusto Velloso
- Dr. Mario José Abdalla Saad
- Dr. Rodrigo Ramos Catharino
- Dr. Roger Frigério Castilho
Mechano Transduction and Molecular, Cellular and Pharmacological Mechanisms Involved in Cardiovascular Hypertrophy and Remodeling, Arterial Hypertension and Insulin Resistance
- Dr. Andrei Carvalho Sposito
- Dr. José Antonio Rocha Gontijo
- Dr. Kleber Gomes Franchini
- Dr. Licio Augusto Velloso
- Dr. Mario José Abdalla Saad
Experimental and Clinical Investigation in Neoplastic and Immune Diseases
Analytical and Cell Pathology
Cell Signaling and Functional Studies Using Modified Animals
- Dr. Anibal Eugenio Vercesi
- Dr. José Antonio Rocha Gontijo
- Dr. José Barreto Campello Carvalheira
- Dr. Kleber Gomes Franchini
- Dr. Leonardo Oliveira Reis
- Dr. Licio Augusto Velloso
- Dr. Mario José Abdalla Saad
- Dra. Patricia Aline Boer
- Dr. Roger Frigério Castilho
Compulsory for M.Sc. (Students enrolled in 2018- until 2020)
FP500 – Research Seminars I
FP505 – Scientific Methods
Compulsory for Ph.D. (Students enrolled in 2018 until 2020)
FP501 - Research Seminars II
FP504 – Biostatistic I
Requests for grants to participate in events in Brazil and abroad
ATTENTION: At the moment we are not analyzing new applications for travel allowance grants.
Approval will depend on the resources available at the time of request.
Students with studentships from FAPESP should use their bench money.
Travel grants may be applied for every twelve (12) months, per student.
Students must file their application with the Secretary of the Graduate Course of Medical Pathophysiology, with prior notice of at least twenty (30) days before the end of the event. The application must contain the following documents:
- Letter from Supervisor
- Conference folder or program
- Proof of acceptance of Abstract for presentation
- Abstract of work to be presented at the conference
- Copy of CPF and RG (Personal I.D. documents)
- Registration Form: With complete address (without abbreviations), email, Tel. no and Cel. No.
- A certificate of participation in the event must be presented to the Post-Graduation Dept after return from the event.
National Events - M.Sc. and Ph.D.: Maximum of 3 (three) per diems
International Events - Ph.D. students only: Maximum of 7 (seven) per diems
Tel. No./Ext: 3521-8860
A Dissertation or Thesis Examination may be requested after the student:
- Passes his/her Qualifying Examination
- M.Sc.: Presents proof of the submission of an article to an internationally-circulating scientific journal that is indexed by SCI, describing the contents of the M.Sc.Thesis (student must be first author).
- Ph.D.: Presents proof of the acceptance of an article by an internationally-circulating scientific journal that is indexed by SCI, describing the contents of the Ph.D.Thesis (student must be first author).
To schedule the date and place of the defense, the student should consult the availability of amphitheaters (Post-Graduation, FCM - Webpage - Classroom Schedules / Amphitheater CPG / FCM). Then send an email with the subject “ Book Room CPG”, indicating the e-mail the room / amphitheater, day, time and reservation data (M.Sc./Ph.D., name of student / supervisor and course).
To take the Qualifying Examination, the student will need to:
- Have completed the required courses and completed the credits required by the program;
- Have passed a test to evaluate reading skills in the English language;
- Final approval of the project by the University’s Ethics Committee.
- M.Sc: Demonstrate submission of an article to an internationally-circulating journal indexed by SCI, describing the contents of the Thesis.
- Ph.D.: Present proof of the acceptance of a full article by an internationally-circulating journal indexed by SCI, describing the contents of the Thesis.
Student’s responsibility:
- Check validity and adequacy of Academic C.V. – in case of problems contact:
- To schedule the date of the qualifying exam, the student should consult the availability of rooms /amphitheaters (Post-Graduation, FCM - Webpage - Classroom Schedules / Amphitheater CPG / FCM).
- Contact professors/lecturers chosen to take part in the examining committee, to verify availability for date and time.