Unicamp receives professor Eugene B. Chang, gastroenterologist from Chicago University
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
30 de outubro de 2018


Dr. Eugene B. Chang, MD, Full Professor of Medicine (Section of Gastroenterology) and Associate Section Chief for Research of the University of Chicago, Illinois, as well as Associate Director for Academic Programs and Training in Gastroenterology in the same university will be hosting lectures during two different events that will be taking place in University of Campinas (Unicamp), later this year.

The first event, being held on November 6th, will have Dr. Chang lecture about the Gut Microbiome, his lecture named “The Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease: Vision for the Future”. This lecture is planned to start at 2pm, in our Gastrology Center (Gastrocentro) auditorium.

On the next day, he will be present at two different conferences in the second event. This event, allusive to the commemoration of the 30 years of existence of our Post-Graduation Program on Surgical Sciences, will take place on November 7th, 2018 between 8:30am and 1:30pm. Starting 11:10am, Dr. Chang will be talking about International Academic Scientific Writing and Publishing, their current trends and challenges. 20 minutes later, he will be talking about excellence in clinical and international research, using the Chicago Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center as an example.

The School of Medical Sciences (SMS) - Unicamp is proud and very pleased to welcome Dr. Eugene Chang in our institution.

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