Unicamp medical student presented the case at Trauma Tele Grand Round
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
13 de abril de 2022


On April 4th, 2022, the 6th-year medical student of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp), Marina Venturini, participated and presented the case at International Trauma Tele Grand Rounds.

The presentation title was “Cervical and Thoracic Gunshot Wound”, with participation of Cléo Frossard de Assis Souza, Py-3 Radiologist Resident from Unicamp, and the presentation was moderated by Prof. Gustavo P. Fraga, Associated Professor of Department of Surgery of SMS - Unicamp.

Lead by Dr. Antonio Marttos, the University of Miami / Ryder Trauma Center has established the International Trauma Tele-Grand Rounds, a weekly case presentations tele-cast and discussed by trauma surgeons around the world, as an outstanding tool for education and sharing of medical expertise across borders. There were 43 participating institutions from the United States and around the world,.

The Tele Grand Round has the support of Panamerican Trauma Society. The Division of Trauma Surgery of SMS - Unicamp has joined this meeting since 2010 and it was the first meeting with a case presented by a medical student.

“It was a great honor for me. I learned a lot with the case presented and the discussion with the other Trauma centers worldwide enriched my knowledge and experience. I am looking forward to continue working on the case report and I am very thankful for this opportunity”, said Marina Venturini.



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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

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