Students from SMS completed post-graduation in Principles and Practice of Clinical Research from Harvard
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
23 de novembro de 2018


During the year of 2018, four students from Campinas completed the post-graduation program entitled as Principles and Practice of Clinical Research from Harvard T.H. Chan - School of Medical Sciences. From these students, three represented the School of Medical Science (SMC) of Unicamp. They are Fernando Augusto de Lima Marson, from Department of Medical Genetics and Medicine Genomic, Department of Pediatrics and Associate Researcher from Center for Pediatrics Investigation; Gabriela Yamaguçi Hayakawa, medical doctor from Hemocentro and PhD student at medical clinic and Uanderson Resende, PhD achieved at 2018 from Tocogynecology program. Moreover, the site from Campinas enrolled Ludmilla Candido Santos, a MSc student at Harvard and a collaborator from Unicamp. 

The Principles and Practice of Clinical Research program covers the basics of clinical research (how to formulate a research question, select study population, randomization and blinding methods) to statistical methods (data distribution and classification, statistical tests, sample size calculation, survival analysis, missing data and meta-analysis); data collection, monitoring and reporting (include training in manuscript writing); and study designs (observational studies, non-inferior and adaptive designs and randomized clinical trials). The program enrolled ~300 students, more than 30 sites from more than 10 countries.

During the year of 2018, the program highlighted as recognization the participants with an outstanding performance and participation, and one of these awards was given to Fernando Augusto de Lima Marson. This achievement reflects the capacity of our University to deal with internationalization. Also, the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research program (2019) will have as a site our institution (University of Campinas - Faculty of Medical Sciences). 

Doubts about the program and subscription can be solved at or directly with the site director professor Carolina Lins ( and site monitor doctor Fernando Augusto de Lima Marson (

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