SMS Unicamp received Professor from Wroclaw Medical University
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
20 de julho de 2022


Dr Irena Duś-Ilnicka, PhD in Molecular Biology and Research and Didactics Assistant from Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, visited the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp) from July 11th to 15th, 2022, with collaboration between the Erasmus+ and SMS International Office (EI). She gained scientific experience in European research laboratories in Germany, France, and Italy, and conducts international research projects with Sapienza University of Rome, and University of Cagliari, Italy among others.

Dr Irena was received by Laura Sterian Ward, full professor of Medicine and chief of the Laboratory of Cancer Molecular Genetics at SMS - Unicamp. She presented the lectures “Molecular biologist as a first line worker in dental diagnostics” and “Dos and don'ts for biobanking in molecular biology laboratory”, with participation of Claudia Vianna M. Morelli, coordinator of the Postgraduate Commission of SMS - Unicamp.

During your stay at Unicamp Dr Irena was received by Gustavo P. Fraga, coordinator of SMS - Unicamp International Office, and they visited the dean of SMS, Cláudio S. R. Coy, and the Unicamp International Office (DERI) where they were received by Prof. Alfredo Cesar Barbosa de Melo and Prof. Angélica Cristina Torresin. Because of the ongoing KA107 ERASMUS+ agreement, Wroclaw Medical University and Unicamp are starting a discussion about the possibility to continue further collaboration within this program, and possibly on International Academic Cooperation Agreement cooperation by means of common research projects or the exchange of teaching staff and researchers, graduate and undergraduate students.


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