Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
01 de dezembro de 2015




Criador do UCSC Genome Browser




 Unraveling transcriptional regulation with ENCODE data.



Data: 29/06/2012

Horário: 10h

Local: Anfiteatro 01 da FCM, UNICAMP.

Biografia de Jim Kent:


“Jim Kent is one of the pioneers in human genomics researchers. In 2001 he synthesized data from the Human Genome Project to produce the first assembly of the human genome sequence. He created the UCSC Genome Browser, which displays the intron/exon structure of genes, alignments of 50 vertebrate genomes to the human genome, human variation information, and many types of data that shed light on the regulatory regions that control gene expression and development. Jim works as a research scientist at the University of California Santa Cruz.”

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