Palestra com Bill Velander
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
16 de maio de 2017


Título da Palestra: “Using Multi-gene Transgenesis in Livestock to Generate Post-translationally Complex Human Biopharmaceutical Proteins in Milk: Studying Their Physiologic Behavior in Preclinical Animal Models”, com Bill Velander, da Universidade de Nebraska, EUA

Data: 17/05/2017 (quarta-feira)
Horário: 16h00
Local: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Anfiteatro do OCRC
Rua Carl von Linneaus, s/n, Bloco Z, CEP 13083-864 Campinas - SP   

As vagas são limitadas. Mais informações poderão ser obtidas pelo telefone: (19) 3521-0026.

Biosketch for Bill Velander

Since 1987 when contamination of blood plasma-derived medicines by HIV and Hepatitis B and C became a world-wide epidemic, Velander has been working on the design and development of safer, more abundant sources of biotherapeutics.  In that effort, Velander worked jointly with the American Red Cross Holland Laboratory to pioneer genetically engineered versions of human anticoagulant Protein C, human anti-hemophiliac factors VIII, VWF, IX, and fibrinogen from the milk of transgenic animals.  Velander’s group also helped in pioneering efforts to humanize pig tissue to provide stop-gap alternatives for organ transplants. His work on transgenic animals has been described in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Nature Biotechnology and more recently Nature Scientific Reports (2015).  His works have been well recognized in the popular media, notably Discover (May, 1998), Smithsonian (July, 1998), Scientific American (January, 1997) and the cover story of National Geographic, (October, 1999), “21st Century Medicine: Genetic Promises” on the Discovery Health Channel (November, 2001), and an exhibit that featured his work entitled “Engineering Genes” at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. He was also recently a consultant to producer and actor Harrison Ford for the 2010 motion picture film “Extraordinary Measures” which showed how scientists can favorably impact the world of medicine and which modeled Professor Velander as a scientist studying genetically engineered medicines.

Velander is an elected fellow of the American Institute of Medical & Biological Engineering which requires its fellows to be judged as in the top 2% of bio- and medical engineering. In 2012, he was selected as an AIMBE ambassador to Capitol Hill to lobby for increased federal funding for biomedical engineering by the federal government.  Velander was instrumental in the formulation of USFDA regulatory guidelines for human therapeutics derived from the milk of transgenic animals. He is co-inventor of a diversity of US patents concerning the production of blood-derived and recombinant biotherapeutics.

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