Medical resident from SMS - Unicamp Division of Trauma Surgery visited Saint Michael’s Hospital, in Toronto
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
01 de novembro de 2018


Vitor F. Kruger, current 4th year medical resident from the Division of Trauma Surgery of School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of University of Campinas (Unicamp), spent 21 days in October 2018 on an elective trauma and acute care surgery internship at Saint Michael’s Hospital, in Toronto, Canada. The internship was carried out with Prof. Sandro Rizoli, former student and resident from Unicamp, and current professor and chief of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Division of University of Toronto.

The internship was observational and included in the schedule accompanied Dr. Rizoli team in outpatient consultations, bedside discussions, lectures, trauma bay calls and surgical procedures.

The internship was very productive due to the surgical techniques, innovations, trauma and critical care ICU, multidisciplinary attendance to the trauma patients, non-traumatic surgery and video surgery. Besides the opportunity to observe the Canadian public health care system, there was also a chance to learn how to improve and humanize the trauma care in our institution. Cultural and professional exchange with other medical students, residents, nurses and trauma staff formed new friendships, maturity and reflections.

About Dr. Rizoli: Following medical school and residency, he moved to Canada in 1992 where he underwent a second residency in General Surgery, fellowships in Trauma and Critical Care and a Doctor of Philosophy under Dr. Ori Rotstein, St. Michael’s Surgeon-in-Chief. In July 2002, Dr. Rizoli became Assistant Professor of Surgery and Critical Care Medicine at Sunnybrook, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2012. His life-long research focuses fall into two major areas: the immunological and anti-inflammatory effects of hypertonic fluids; and the physiopathology and management of hemorrhagic shock in trauma.

Dr. Rizoli is also a full professor in the Department of Surgery and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Toronto and a research scientist at the Keenan Research Centre of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, chief of Region XII (Eastern Canada) of the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons and president of the Trauma Association of Canada and Pan-American Trauma Society.

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