Medical doctor from the Technical University of Munich attends internship at the Department of Surgery of SMS Unicamp
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
10 de junho de 2022


Photo: SMS International Office

Dr. Mariana Ribeiro de Souza Falcão, a recently graduated medical doctor from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany, completed a three-month internship at the Hospital de Clínicas (HC) of University of Campinas (Unicamp) and at the Women’s Hospital CAISM during her last months as a medical student. From January until April 2022 she joined the teams of Trauma und Gastrointestinal Surgery and spent one week in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 

"After concluding my studies in one of the top 10 universities in Europe I, as a Brazilian, was deeply honored to experience how excellent the School of Medical Sciences  (SMS) of Unicamp is. Despite my erroneous expectation to perceive big differences between the countries, I was very happy and proud to see how similar tertiary and quaternary care in university hospitals are within the Brazilian Universal System of Health (SUS) and the German public healthcare system (GKV). In both, patients receive the best treatment available, always according to national and international guidelines, provided by highly educated healthcare professionals. It was clear to me, that SMS Unicamp is one of the best faculties in Latin America, but it was invaluably enriching to have an insight into its facilities and work side by side with so many renowned doctors.” 

Here at the HC Unicamp Dr. Mariana had the opportunity to learn by participating in surgeries, outpatient consultations and visits in surgical wards as well as by accompanying the teams in the emergency room and in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit. “ All docents and residents were very attentive and committed to pass on their knowledge. I was amazed by how the clinical practice is centered in providing the best care for patients together with the best training for medical students. Here they have the chance to put the theory learnt during so many years to good use by gradually taking in responsibility with close supervision. I was rapidly integrated into the routine of the sixth-year students and was allowed to play an active role in many difficult and interesting cases. This autonomy was definitely the greatest and most useful experience of this internship”

Mariana emphasizes: “The didactic and friendly attitude from professors towards students within the SMS will be one of my best memories from my time here! We had chances to gain and exchange knowledge on a daily basis, for example during case discussions in the wards and consultations, lectures and academic meetings, such as the weekly conferences in the Gastrocentro and the Telemedicine meetings together with Trauma Centers from all over the world.”

“During this period in the SMS I was able to acquire many practical skills and to evolve as a doctor and as a human being. For this development, I am especially thankful to Prof. Gustavo Fraga, Chief of the Division of Trauma Surgery Department and Director of the SMS International Office. He assured my internship in spite of all insecurities during the pandemic and welcomed me warmly as I arrived. I am also immensely grateful to Prof. Elcio Hirano, Dr. José Bortoto, Dr. Thiago Calderan and to all other docents and residents in the Trauma Surgery team, as well as Prof. Nelson Andreollo, Prof. Luiz Roberto Lopes, Profa. Ilka Boin and everyone from the Gastrointestinal Surgery Department. Last but not least, I am also thankful to Prof. Cassio Cardoso Filho, who enabled my quick internship in CAISM, and all gynecologists and obstetricians I've met. Obrigada!"

Photo: SMS International Office


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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Rua Vital Brasil, 80, Cidade Universitária, Campinas-SP, CEP: 13.083-888 – Campinas, SP, Brasil
R. Albert Sabin, s/ nº. Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" CEP: 13083-894. Campinas, SP, Brasil.
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