Julia Capecki, from Universität Bonn, completes medical internship at SMS Unicamp
Publicado por: Karen Menegheti de Moraes
03 de setembro de 2024


Julia Capecki, a medical student from Universität Bonn, Germany, recently completed an internship at the School of Medical Sciences (SMS) of Unicamp. The internship, which lasted from May 20 to July 12, focused on surgery areas. Julia, who also spent a year in Brazil as an exchange student ten years ago, shared her experience of coming back.

“It was incredible to finally return. The experience became even more exciting when I had the chance to spend two months at the Hospital de Clínicas of Unicamp. During my internship, I rotated through various specialties within surgery, including gastrointestinal, urology, trauma, and cardiac. Each rotation provided invaluable insights into the workings of one of Brazil's most prestigious university hospitals. I gained extensive knowledge of the Brazilian healthcare system, tropical diseases, and honed practical skills from the dedicated doctors.

This exposure not only deepened my medical expertise but also broadened my cultural understanding, allowing me to appreciate the unique challenges of healthcare in Brazil. My fellow exchange students and I were always warmly welcomed, and I formed many meaningful friendships. This experience will remain unforgettable, contributing significantly to both my medical career and personal growth. I feel more motivated than ever to continue pursuing global health opportunities and fostering international collaboration in medicine”, said Julia.

Julia, third from the ritght, first row, with Professor Gustavo Fraga and Trauma Team


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Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Rua Vital Brasil, 80, Cidade Universitária, Campinas-SP, CEP: 13.083-888 – Campinas, SP, Brasil
R. Albert Sabin, s/ nº. Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" CEP: 13083-894. Campinas, SP, Brasil.
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