Ilka Boin and Raquel Stucchi, of SMS, participate at The Transplantation Congress 2022
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
31 de outubro de 2022


The Transplantation Congress (TTS 2022) took place in Buenos Aires, last September, and two professors of School of Medical Sciences (SMS), Unicamp, were invited to participate: Ilka Boin (department of Surgery) and Raquel Stucchi (department of Medical Clinic). They showed the Brazilian experience with infection and liver transplantation procedures, associated or not with Covid-19, which included lectures, oral presentation and e-poster:

Ilka Boin

- Moderator of the session, as Chair, on "PGC basic science: Trending topics in basic science"

- Workshop presentation session on "T-cell mediated and antibody-mediated rejection in liver allografts – lecture"

- Oral presentation session on "Survival after COVID-19 in liver transplant recipients according to disease waves - results from a Brazilian multicentric study"

- E-poster presentation session: "Development of an Intelligent Digital Biosurveillance"

Raquel Stucchi

- Oral presentation session on "COVID-19 infection in liver transplant recipients: results from a Brazillian multicentric historical cohort"

- E-poster session: "Impact of the pandemic on liver transplantation and use of telemedicine – Clinics Hospital of Unicamp".

All participations were published in Transplantation.

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