Aníbal Vercesi receives honorary degree of doctor from Uruguay College of Medicine
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
09 de novembro de 2018


The physician and professor from the Unicamp School of Medical Science (SMS) Clinical Pathology Department, Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi, received, on October 24th, in Montevideo, the honorary degree of doctor. The title has been granted by the Uruguay College of Medicine. According to Fernando Tomasina, director of the College of Medicine from University of Republic of Uruguay, the title has been granted to Vercesi having been taken into consideration his renowned career, his merits and his valuable academic contribution.

“Vercesi has made notable contributions in the areas related of biochemistry and mitochondrial metabolism. Beyond this, he contributed continuously for the development of academic and scientific knowledge of biochemistry and biomedical sciences in the Mercosul area and, in particular, a permanent support for more than two decades to our Department of Biochemistry in our School”, said Adriana Cassina, professor from the Uruguay College of Medicine.

Vercesi also received, recently, the National Order of Scientific Merit. The medal and certificate award ceremony happened in October, in Brasília. The SMS doctor also received, in 2018, the Inventors’ Prize for his patent Constructive disposition introduced in recipient for manual radiographical procedure in portable Camera obscura and in 2016 the Rheinboldt-Hauptmann prize, granted by the University of São Paulo (USP) Institute of Chemistry (IQ).

Aníbal Eugênio Vercesi graduated as a physician in 1972 at Unicamp. In 1974, he obtained the degree of doctor in biochemistry, also at Unicamp. Abroad, Aníbal participated in post-doctorate internships at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), United States, in two periods, between 1976 and 1977 and between 1979 and 1980. His area of research comprises the themes: metabolism, mitochondrial bioenergetics, ions’ homeostasis and oxidative stress in protozoans, fungi, plants and mammals.

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