(Divulgação) Oncology and Neurology Winter Schools at LMU Munich
Publicado por: Camila Delmondes
24 de outubro de 2022



Dear Exchange Partners and Colleagues,

Greetings from Munich! I hope you are well.

We should like to draw your attention to the Oncology and Neurology Winter Schools at LMU Munich and encourage your students to apply by November 1.

The intense, four-week Winter Schools enable students to learn from leading experts and to pick up practical experience during clinical training courses, seminar classes and lab visits. Each incoming student is paired with a Study Buddy from LMU to help them settle in as well as to assist on the wards. In addition to the unique academic program, the Winter Schools also feature a social and cultural program in and around Munich.

Course dates: March 2-23, 2022

Language of tuition: English

Further information and application:

Oncology https://www.en.med.uni-muenchen.de/undergraduate/incoming_students/courses_in_english/winter-schools/ows/index.html

Neurology https://www.en.med.uni-muenchen.de/undergraduate/incoming_students/courses_in_english/winter-schools/nws/index.html

For other international courses in Medicine please refer to: https://www.en.med.uni-muenchen.de/undergraduate/incoming_students/courses_in_english/index.html

We would also be grateful if you would pass the invitation on to anyone in your department who might be interested.

Let me know if you have any questions.

With many thanks and best wishes


Lisa Lechner, MA
Head of International Student Exchange Team
Faculty of Medicine

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
International Office, Bavariaring 19, 80336 Munich



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