

Internship Vacancies Available*:


Child Neurology Service – International fellowship

The Child Neurology Service offers an international observer fellowship for a period of 7 to 30 days. During this period, the student will follow outpatient clinics of different subspecialties, including epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, neuromuscular, neurovascular, and cerebral palsy. The student will also follow ward rounds, case discussions, and neurophysiology exams review.

Ana Carolina Coan
Professora Livre Docente de Neurologia Infantil / Associate Professor of Pediatric Neurology
Departamento de Neurologia / Department of Neurology
Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP
Campinas - Brasil
Contato / Contact: +55-19-35217336


Otolaryngology fellowship

The Otolaryngology Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP offers an international observer fellowship. 
The student may follow the outpatient clinics and procedures of different subspecialties, including: otoneurology, voice and laryngology, audiology and hearing reabilitation, surgical otology, rhinology, pediatric otolaryngology and pediatric airway and swallowing, head and neck oncology, rhinology, sleep disorders, cranio-maxillary and skull base pathologies. 
The outpatient clinics take place in the Otolaryngology Institute (IOU)  but the fellowship may include observation of surgical procedures in the operating theatre and rounds in the Hospital das Clínicas that is located at walking distance from the the IOU.
Most of the Otolaryngology medical staff are fluent in English and some are also fluent in Spanish and French. Nonetheless patients are attended to in Portuguese. 


Profa. Dra Rebecca Maunsell
Professora Associada da Disciplina de Otorrinolaringologia - UNICAMP
Coordenadora do Setor de Otorrinolaringologia Pediátrica
Profa. do Programa de Pós Graduação em Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente - FCM/UNICAMP

Obstetrics and Gynecology - Undergraduate International Applicants [l1] 

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP offers an international observer internship. During the proposed period the international students will shadow activities with the fifth-year undergraduate medical students at Unicamp, including different areas: Obstetrics, Oncology and Gynecology. Therefore, the period will be divided among outpatient clinic (antenatal care, family planning and oncology), medical rounds and case discussion of patients admitted to one of the medical wards considered and activities with birth simulators, for training of the most relevant complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Most of the ObGyn staff is fluent in English and will be able to translate, since all activities with patients are performed in Portuguese.

* The request will be subject to departmental analysis.