Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Ayahuasca Ophthalmology in general medicine: Basic approach for a better clinical practice Pediatrics in the public health system: challenges and goals Trauma Leagues: apprenticeship from prevention to definitive treatment of trauma patients Outline Winter SchoolsWinter Schools 2025Cardiovascular diseases Immersion in Otolaryngology Trauma Leagues Women's health Winter Schools 2024Offered WorkshopsCardiovascular diseases Department of Rheumatology WINTER SCHOOLS – IMERSÃO EM OTORRINOLARINGOLOGIA 2024 WINTER SCHOOLS – Women’s Health (experience in Obstetrics’, Gynecology and Oncology) Winter Schools 2023Offered WorkshopsCardiovascular Diseases Imersion in Otolaryngology Women’s Health Winter Schools 2019Offered WorkshopsInterdisciplinary Perspectives of Ayahuasca Ophthalmology in general medicine Pediatrics in the public health system Trauma Leagues Winter Schools 2018Offered WorkshopsInterdisciplinary Perspectives of Ayahuasca Interrelation between rheumatic and dermatological diseases Point of Care Ultrasound Trauma Leagues Traumatism and Violence Selected participants Application Form Accomodation Winter Schools 2017About Brochure Offered CoursesInterdisciplinary Perspectives of Ayahuasca Interrelation between rheumatic and dermatological diseases: from laboratory to clinical practice in a Brazilian reality Role of High Density Lipoproteins in Cardiovascular Health Traumatism and Violence - psychopathological effects and clinical approaches ‹ Winter Schools 2019 up Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Ayahuasca ›