Post-Graduation in Gynecology and Obstetrics
The Gynecology and Obstetrics Post-Graduation Program aims to form Professors and researchers capable of developing research related to women’s health focused on three main areas: Maternal and Perinatal Health, Gynecological Pathophysiology, Gynecologic and Breast Oncology, with seventeen lines of research. The course offers a set of activities including the required disciplines with quality content for the development of research skills, improvement in scientific production and nucleation capacity. It entails training researchers, which are qualified to perform high-level research.
The course in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Post-Graduation Program confirmed grade 7 (the maximum) in the CAPES evaluation for the quadrennium 2013/2016.
Program Committee
Coordinator: Ph.D. José Guilherme Cecatti
Ph.D. Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
Ph.D. Maria Laura Costa do Nascimento
Ph.D. Dr. Luiz Francisco Cintra Baccaro
Committee term: 10/06/2018 a 30/04/2021
Post Graduate Student Representative (2019/2020):
Marcella Regina Cardoso
Maira Pinho Pompeu
Secretary: Melissa Cristina Forato Souza -
Phone: +55(19) 3521-9143
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.
Concentration Areas – Sub-divisions:
- AC – Maternal and Perinatal Health
- AD – Gynecological Pathophysiology
- AE - Gynecologic and Breast Oncology
Titles – Master degree (MSc) or Doctor degree (PhD) in Health Sciences
Lines of Research and Lecturers/Faculty
1) Biopsychosocial aspects of human sexuality
- Arlete Maria dos Santos Fernandes
- Egberto Ribeiro Turato
- Maria José Martins Duarte Osis
- Maria Yolanda Makuch
- Rodolfo de Carvalho Pacagnella
2) Clinical, histopathological and molecular biology aspects in lower genital tract diseases
- Cassia Raquel Teatin Juliato
- Daniela Angerame Yela Gomes
- Júlio César Teixeira
- Luis Otávio Zanatta Sarian
- Luiz Carlos Zeferino
- Sophie Françoise Mauricette Derchain
- Luiz Gustavo de Oliveira Brito
3) Clinical and biochemical aspects of hypertension in pregnancy
- Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
- José Guilherme Cecatti
- Maria Laura Costa do Nascimento
- Renato Passini Junior
4) Clinical, morphological and molecular aspects in gynecological cancer
- Diama Bhadra Andrade Peixoto do Vale
- Júlio César Teixeira
- Luis Otávio Zanatta Sarian
- Luiz Carlos Zeferino
- Sophie Françoise Mauricette Derchain
- Rachel Hanish
5) Clinical, morphological and molecular aspects in breast cancer
- Diama Bhadra Andrade Peixoto do Vale
- Luis Otávio Zanatta Sarian
- Luiz Carlos Zeferino
- Sophie Françoise Mauricette Derchain
6) Assessment of clinical and ethical issues in research
- Maria José Martins Duarte Osis
- Renato Passini Jr
7) Epidemiology and immunological, microbiological and therapeutic aspects of sexually transmitted diseases / HIV / AIDS and the vaginal ecosystem
- Eliana Martorano Amaral
- Ana Lucia Valadares
8) Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of infertility and related endocrinopathologies
- Arlete Maria dos Santos Fernandes
- Cassia Raquel Teatin Juliato
- Cristina Laguna Benetti Pinto
- Daniela Angerame Yela Gomes
- Luis Guillermo Bahamondes
- Luiz Francisco Cintra Baccaro
9) Climacteric Epidemiology, clinical outcomes, psychosocial and therapeutic
- Adriana Orcesi Pedro
- Lúcia Helena Simões da Costa Paiva
- Luiz Francisco Cintra Baccaro
- Ana Lucia Valadares
10) Maternal and fetal outcome related infections in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle
- Eliana Martorano Amaral
- Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
- José Guilherme Cecatti
- Maria Laura Costa do Nascimento
- Maria Yolanda Makuch
- Renato Passini Junior
- Renato Teixeira Souza
- Rodolfo de Carvalho Pacagnella
11) Severe Maternal Morbidity (NEAR MISS) and Maternal Mortality
- Eliana Martorano Amaral
- Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
- José Guilherme Cecatti
- Maria Laura Costa do Nascimento
- Renato Teixeira Souza
- Rodolfo de Carvalho Pacagnella
12) Imaging applied to women's and perinatal health
- Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
- José Guilherme Cecatti
- Sophie Françoise Mauricette Derchain
13) Clinical and molecular impact of the use of contraceptive methods
- Arlete Maria dos Santos Fernandes
- Ilza Maria Urbano Monteiro
- Luis Guillermo Bahamondes
- Cássia Raquel Teatin Juliato
- Luiz Gustavo de Oliveira Brito
14) Implications of the use of several hormonal treatments on bone mass in women
- Ilza Maria Urbano Monteiro
- Lúcia Helena Simões da Costa Paiva
- Luis Guillermo Bahamondes
15) Maternal and fetal outcomes related to infections in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle
- Eliana Martorano Amaral
- José Guilherme Cecatti
- Renato Passini Junior
16) Reproductive Health and Healthy Habits, including Obesity and Adolescence
- Egberto Ribeiro Turato
- Eliana Martorano Amaral
- Fernanda Garanhani de Castro Surita
- Maria Yolanda Makuch
Obstetricians and Gynecologists and non-obstetrician and gynecologist medical doctors, psychologists, nurses, physical therapists, social workers and other professionals involved with women's health.
Compulsory for M.Sc.
- • TG582 - Epidemiology for Clinical Research
- • TG583 - Research Methodology in Human Reproduction I
- • TG586 - Research Methodology in Human Reproduction II
- • TG608 - Medical Pedagogy in Gynecology
- • TG609 - Special Didactics in Gynecology
Compulsory for Ph.D.
- TG 620 - Database construction ans analysis I
- TG 621 - Database construction ans analysis II
- TG 590 - Seminars in Reproductive Health
- TG 615 - Scientometrics
Elective Courses
- TG 588 - Clinical-Qualitative Methodology applied to the Health Area
- TG 589 - Development of Scientific Work in Clinical-Qualitative Methodology
1. Complete the credits required by the Program
2. Achieve the reading skills exam in English Language
See here the new Qualification request process
Important: It is for the student to contact the professors chosen to compose the board on the availability, date and time as well as deliver the invitations.
About the Examination:
• Masters: consists of Methodological Training evaluation, where the student must give an expository, clear and didactic class, on one of the methods used in the development of his/her dissertation. The duration of the class must be from 30 to 60 minutes.
• Doctorate: consists of a Scientific Training evaluation, where the student must submit, in an expository, objective and didactic manner, an original research plan, related to the thesis project. The plan should include the definition of objectives, the methodological aspects and a literature review on the theme. The exposure time is 30 to 60 minutes.
The Qualifying Examination will be held for a board of examiners composed of three full professors and one alternate, holders of at least the title of Doctor. The Advisor is the president of the board.
At the time of the examination, the President will develop along with the others a final assessment to be delivered to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Post-Graduate Program Commission. The assessment shall include if the student passed or failed.
In case of failure, further examination will be carried out.
Procedures for Defense
• Approval on the Qualifying Examination.
• Submission of the article related to the dissertation / thesis
See here the new Defense request process.
Other guidelines
The Co-advisor cannot attend the Award Committee; therefore his name must be registered in the copies of the dissertation and defense Act, and in case the supervisor cannot attend, he will be replaced by the Co-advisor.
• It will be up to the program Commission to approve the nominees to compose the examination board;
• For the composition of the examination board for master’s degree, three members must be appointed (the advisor, an external member and a member from Unicamp) and two alternates (one external and one from Unicamp).
• For the composition of the examination board for Doctorate degree, five members must be appointed (the advisor, two external members and two members from Unicamp) and three alternate members (at least one external member).
The student should contact the members of the Examining Board on the availability date and time, deliver the invitations to participate and provide all the audiovisual material to be used during the presentation.
The catalographic card is required along with copy of the thesis. Request from the FCM Library, with 3 keywords and the thesis title page.
Financial support for the participation of external professor in the examination board
Forward to the Program office, a copy of the CPF, RG and bank details (s) of the invited professor (s), at least 30 days before the defense.